Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Suede Skirt with Black Strap Sandals and Demanding Authoritative Meat Buyer Lady

Suede long skirt and black strap heeled sandals woman

suede skirt tight strap sandals golden halter sunglass wait highway bus high heel painted toenails pink feet legs calfIt was early in the morning and I suddenly saw this flower standing beside the highway trying to make a bus stop for her. The highway was full of cars buzzing all around from the heavy morning traffic jam and this courageous latin black descendant lady was standing there alone with her black leather strap intensive high heeled sandals.
I decided to stop and make some company so I parked my car 200 meters behind her and walked in front of her to snap some of these fine pics.
These are just 2 pictures, the full set of pictures is stored at my website

Starting with her black leather frontal strap shoes you should have noticed how the right shoe is a tad warped at the frontal part of the sole. This warping, I suspect, is caused by the street's surface irregularity and coarseness of the pavement mixture. Next, we can conclude that this lady spends her money going to the pedicurist regularly as you can see her nicely pink painted toenails with white accented borders. Maybe she paints her toes herself or someone does it for her, I should have asked her.
Going up, at the upper left inset picture you can see her with a pair of reflective sunglasses, painted lips, brown tanned skin and always matching golden colored silky halter. Covering her legs she uses a brown soft suede tight to the body long skirt.

Distrustful and authoritarian sexy mature lady buying meat

Strict, demanding and authoritarian lady ordering some meat slices from the meat shop. Every time she ordered something she told the shop's employee to dig and find the best meat they had at the counter.
authoritarian distrustful stric demanding careless meat slice shop high heels black sandals strap calves legs skirt peekAfter the employee packaged the meat cuts, she starts opening it with her hand in order to make sure she received what she asked for. Her distrustful attitude had all the meat shop employee look at her with a bad eye every time she came to buy. Moreover, she apparently shows a preference for ankle strap high heel sandals like the ones in the picture. Even with all her bad attitude she has nice curvy calves, round legs enhanced by the type of heeled shoes she frequently uses. The upper right inset picture demonstrates clearly her distrustful attitude. She peeks and tries to watch carefully everything the meat cutter employee is doing with the order.

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